REF 1674646
21.11.2024 | Dubai | full time
answer customer questions by phone, email, webchat, social media or in person. give quotations and check product availability. sell products or services and take payments. handle complaints or pass them to a supervisor.
Applicants 6

Security Guard

REF 1674591
21.11.2024 | Dubai | full time
Security Guard (Armed Guard) required with Police/ Army experience ONLY for the reputed company. Medical insurance. Salary: negotiable.
Applicants 2


REF 1674579
21.11.2024 | Dubai | full time
Looking for Typist. Experience: 1 - 2 years. European preferred. Employment visa provided. Salary: negotiable.
Applicants 2


REF 1674553
21.11.2024 | Dubai | full time
Experience: 3 years minimum. Employment visa provided. Medical insurance. Salary: negotiable.
Applicants 4
REF 1674526
21.11.2024 | Dubai | full time
The Senior Administration Officer provides a broad range of administrative services and leverages extensive business unit knowledge to support the units program of work and facilitate the delivery of business operations.
Applicants 2
Advanced search