REF 1673400
19.11.2024 | Ajman | full time
answer customer questions by phone, email, webchat, social media or in person give quotations and check product availability sell products or services and take payments handle complaints or pass them to a supervisor add customer information onto a computer.
Applicants 6
REF 1668741
13.11.2024 | Ajman | full time
The Customer Service Executive is responsible for providing excellent customer service to customers via phone, email, and chat This includes resolving customer issues, answering customer questions, and providing customer support.
Applicants 10

Security Guard

REF 1668799
13.11.2024 | Ajman | full time
We are looking for a fit and attentive security guard to ensure that our property is protected The security guard is responsible for recording the names of visitors, patrolling the property and apprehending any trespassers To be successful as a security guard you must be alert and professional.
Applicants 4
REF 1658187
30.10.2024 | Ajman | full time
we are looking for experience secretary, knowledge in excel with 3-5 years experience. can work on social media. Experience: 3 years. Education: Secondary certificate. Salary: AED 3,000.
Applicants 6
REF 1674658
39 hours ago | Ajman | full time
Provides administrative support to ensure efficient operation of office Answers phone calls, schedules meetings and supports visitors Carries out administrative duties such as filing, typing, copying, binding, scanning etc.
Applicants 4
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