REF 1660834
02.11.2024 | Dubai | full time
answer customer questions by phone, email, webchat, social media or in person. give quotations and check product availability. sell products or services and take payments. handle complaints or pass them to a supervisor.
Applicants 2
REF 1659801
01.11.2024 | Dubai | full time
Good communication skills, hard work, able to understand customer requirements.
Applicants 1
REF 1659549
31.10.2024 | Dubai | full time
Customer service representatives help customers with complaints and questions, give customers information about products and services, take orders, and process returns.
Applicants 1
REF 1658553
30.10.2024 | Dubai | full time
We are looking for a Customer Service Assistant who can assist customers with inquiries, complaints, and orders.
Applicants 4
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